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Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulations: From modelling proteins to informing the COVID-19 Pandemic Response

Photo of Dr. Luiz Guidolin

Dr. Luiz Guidolin

Assistant Professor, Department of Community Health Sciences, University of Manitoba

Senior Epidemiologist, Seniors and Active Living, Manitoba Health

February 25, 2021 8:30 - 9:30

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What do protein domains and pandemics have in common? Aside from proteins playing a big role in the biological aspects of diseases and in the immune system's response, from a physicists point of view, they are both complex systems, and we can use similar tools to help us understand them. While proteins are composed of amino acids that bind together by means of physical forces and can be described in terms of contact networks, pandemics are driven not only by the biological characteristics of the pathogen but mostly by human behaviour and their inherent social networks and interactions. Without the need to highlight how pandemics can threaten our way of life and even our own existence, my work in the field of computational epidemiology aimed at preparing us for the next "big thing" is now put to the test. During this presentation, I will illustrate how modelling and simulations can be used in the biomedical sciences to model proteins, understand previous pandemics (such as the 2009 H1N1 Influenza A), inform decision-making when very little data is available (Hepatitis C), and to informing Governments in near-real-time on how to respond the current SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic.


Dr Luiz Guidolin obtained his PhD from the Physics Applied to Medicine and Biology program at the University of São Paulo. As a graduate student, he worked at the Bioinformatics group at National Research Council in Winnipeg, developing post-pandemic models and methods to study the outcomes of the then-recent 2009 H1N1 Influenza A Pandemic. After completing his graduate work, he undertook two postdoctoral positions in Applied Mathematics at The University of Winnipeg and later at York University, where he refined his models. In 2015 he joined the Vaccine And Drugs Evaluation Centre at the University of Manitoba as a Research Associate. His focus was on developing computational epidemiological methods to understand drugs and vaccine safety and effectiveness. He is currently an Assistant Professor at the University of Manitoba, Department of Community Health Sciences and a Senior Epidemiologist at Manitoba Health, Seniors and Active Living, where he leads the modelling efforts in the current COVID-19 pandemic .

Last updated February 23, 2021

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